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And they're growing: Eight months ago, Red Pill had only 100 followers. Red Pill followers have their own politics, language, and culture.

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Feminism is considered a damaging ideology and Red Pillers are quick to cite examples that bolster their points, some going so far as to argue that society is outright anti-male. Those who 'swallow the pill' maintain that it's mennot women, who have been socially disenfranchised. Red Pill is not a dating advice bulletin, but rather a forum for people - men, mostly - exploring an ideology that revolves almost exclusively around gender. Welcome to The Red Pill, an Internet community on Reddit founded on the general belief that women have it better than men.

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The basis of this philosophy, which underpins almost all conversations in his community, is that females get away with things by virtue of being female.

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It's more than a perspective, in fact: It's a philosophy. But Redditredpill shared his story in earnest with a very specific community that empathizes with his perspective. This may sound like the instigatory words of someone looking for a fight, sarcasm gone too far at best.

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